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Description of Recruiting Process

The recruiting process is just that…..a process. There are several important steps to being recruited by college coaches. The most common questions asked by prospects and parents usually involve “when” certain steps should occur.  Listed below are descriptions of several key steps in the recruiting process and the time frame in which they should occur.

Research Schools
Prospects should research schools and their lacrosse programs prior to their junior season. Develop a list of schools that you may be interested in attending. Some valuable resources for quick information and links to all Division I, II, and III lacrosse programs include www.lax.com and www.laxpower.com. For more extensive research, visit www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/college/cohome.htm, click on advanced search, then varsity sports.  Extensive information on schools, lacrosse programs, academic requirements, and scholarship can be found by using this tool. (February/March)

Letter of Introduction
Early in a prospect’s junior season, prospects should compose a personal letter to introduce themselves to the coaching staffs at the schools they may be interested in attending.  In addition to the letter, take time to develop an athletic resume.  Athletic resumes should include vital athletic information, including all sports, honors and statistics.  Lastly, include a copy of your spring lacrosse schedule.  Keep in mind, college coaching staffs are in the midst of their own seasons, so response may not be immediate.  However, the letter of introduction will allow coaching staffs the opportunity to start a file on the prospect.  Personalize your letters to the specific schools you are sending a letter to and do not be afraid to e-mail these items.  Ask coaches what summer camps they will be attending so that you can try to attend a camp that will allow them to see you play.  As a junior, coaches can correspond with you via mail and e-mail or can watch you play.  However, coaches are unable to place recruiting calls or talk with you face to face. (Late March/April)

Elite Tournament Schedule
When you have settled your own schedule for elite tournaments, send a follow-up letter and schedule to coaches.  Your follow-up letter can update coaching staffs on how you are doing or how you did in your junior season and the tournament schedule will let them know where and when they can see you over the summer.

Game Film
At some point during your junior season have your coaching staff or parents develop a game video. For best results, tape several or all of your games.  Since many coaches may not be able to travel to see you play in person, quality game video becomes a vital tool in the recruiting process. It is suggested that you send video at your best against the best competition.  Coaches may not be able to accurately evaluate you if they perceive the level of competition as being very weak.  Do not send a highlight film.  Coaches prefer a full game or extended portions of games because they realize a highlight film does not allow accurate evaluations.  You can add a highlight section to a full game film for added exposure.  Be prepared, most coaches prefer to keep game film to view and review, so make copies as needed.  Coaches will probably not be looking for game film before August or September.

NCAA Clearinghouse
As a prospective student-athlete at a Division I or II institution, you have certain responsibilities to attend to before you may participate in athletics. The NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse, located in Iowa City, Iowa, is the organization that handles ALL inquiries regarding an individual's initial eligibility status.  The Clearinghouse operates a separate Web site at www.ncaaclearinghouse.net which maintains and processes all of the initial-eligibility certifications.  To register for the NCAA Clearinghouse, fill out the online form at the Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse Web Site or call the NCAA publications hotline at 800/638-3731 and ask for a free copy of the "Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete" which contains the registration forms and a Clearinghouse brochure.  This guide can also be viewed online in our Student-Athlete Eligibility and Recruiting Section. (End of junior year).

Contact Period
Outside of the college campus, a coach may contact you in person starting July 1 after completion of your junior year.

Unofficial Visits
An unofficial visit is when a prospect or prospects family visits a college campus at their own expense.  Prospects can take tours, undergo admissions interviews, and even meet with the lacrosse coaching staff or team members.  Unlimited unofficial visits are permitted by the NCAA. (Spring of junior year, summer/fall of senior year)

Official Visits
An official campus visit can be arranged through coaching staffs.  Prospects are permitted five official visits total at DI and DII schools.  An official visit occurs when any or all of the following occur:  A prospect’s transportation, meals, lodging or entertainment is paid for by the coaching staff within the permitted limits. Note that different programs handle an official visit differently.  Not all programs have the resources to pay for all of the items listed above, but that does not mean a coach is not interested. Individual prospects may have to absorb some of the cost of an official visit.  For more detailed information on contacts, unofficial, and official visits, visit www.ncaa.org.
(Fall/winter of senior year)

Application and Admission
Applying and gaining acceptance to schools are up to the individual prospects. Always inform the coaching staff that you are applying or have applied to their school.  This allows coaches to identify you as a lacrosse prospect to their admissions department. In addition, some lacrosse programs are allotted application fee waivers by their admissions department.  This waives the cost of applying for top recruits or desired prospects that may be undecided on applying.  Do not hesitate to inquire with a coach about the availability of fee waivers.  If a coach does not oblige, it may be that his admissions department does not offer them or they restrict them. (Dates vary from school to school).


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